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Animal Farm + Covid-19 Prophylaxis and Hospital Treatment
Forget your history, you will repeat it. If you never learn your history you will fall for the oldest tricks in the book.
If you’re in a hurry jump to the links below, but if you want a bit of background as to why solutions to the infamous “novel” Corona Virus are practically never discussed then this is for you.
We all have our own perspectives on life and in order to understand why someone is saying what they’re saying you need to understand their perspective, what did they see to come to that conclusion.
To be clear I am not making lite of the massive death toll attributed to Covid-19. I am however going to point out that on numerous occasions politicians and leaders around the world have called this unique time in history “a great opportunity”. People have called for a “Great Reset”, with no mention of sharing power with the people. It is with their great birthright as a politician to remake the world as they see fit, and guess what the solution is, more power for government and less power and individual freedom for the peasants.