Member-only story
Tap The Great Reset Away
Whether we want to admit it or not, the world is going through a traumatic experience. Our way of life is being threatened in numerous ways by insane billionaires who want to “reset” the world according to their agenda.
The story is all too familiar. The power-hungry villain who thinks he is an altruistic visionary formulates a convoluted plan to right the wrongs of humanity. This plan is packaged with ideas that are positive on the surface, but when free-thinkers ask some basic follow-up questions, he is met with horrific, dystopian answers. This Built Back Better World can only be made if the peasants accept their place beneath the superior breed of human beings. You will be cared for, we know what’s best for you, the only answer to the crisis is less freedom.
And in truly cartoony, or comic book fashion these villains have delivered their monologs on such stages as the World Economic Forum, or even on TV, directly to the people they wish to rule. They even had a dress rehearsal two months before the world's greatest “pandemic” called Event 201. It was a seemingly perfect plan, condition everyone to believe they are victims, then enter stage left as the hero. The only wild cards were the millions of people who were educated enough to see the plot holes in the story or even just…